
Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Why do we live on planet Earth?

On Monday we thought carefully about why we live on planet Earth. Why don't we live on Mars or Venus?

We thought about everything we had learned last term and so far this term about space during our inquiry and what we had learned in the life education bus with Harold. 

We thought together as class and came up with lots of reasons for why we couldn't live on each planet. Some were full of poisonous gases, some too hot, some too cold, some were made of gas! We have decided Earth is the just right planet.

We are the right distance from the sun to be able to grow plants! Plants need light, heat and water. We know from Harold that trees (plants) give us oxygen! So because trees can live on Earth we can too!! 

Thanks trees!!! We planted our own sunflower seeds and will be watching them grow in the sun. Miss Mckenzie put her seed in the cold, dark art cupboard (Neptune) do you think the seeds in the dark will grow into plants that give us oxygen?

These pots break down in the soil so you plant them in your garden pot and all. 

We know we only have one planet that we can live on so we MUST take care of it!! 

Space Writing

Check out our space writing from last week! We researched why astronauts needed to wear space suits when they are out on their space walks. We found out some really interesting facts. 

Did you know that space dust is reeeeeeeally dangerous because it moves faster than a bullet?

Scary stuff! 

Check out what we've found out about space suits:

Mufti Day this Friday!

Just a reminder that this Friday is MUFTI DAY! As it also happens to be halloween on Friday don't forget to dress up in a spooky halloween theme. Please support this mufti day and bring along your gold coin as the money raised will go directly back into our own school and YOU (the children) can get cool new things to help with your learning! Woohoo!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

2000 Pageviews!

Woohoo! Today we reached 2000 pageviews on our class blog! 

Thank you to all of the lovely people who view our class blog regularly to keep up to date with our classroom happenings. We hope you enjoy seeing what we have been up to in Room 3 at Gore Main School!

Onwards and upwards to our next milestone!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Astronaut Helmets: The Finished Product

Room 3 have been working incredibly hard on their space helmets. They took extra care and thought hard about the placement of their decorations on their helmets in order for them to be balanced and pleasing on the eye!

I think they have done an outstanding job. 

You should all be very proud of your finished designs Room 3!

As a few children were sick today and some are still working on their helmets this post will be updated when the remaining helmets are completed :)

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Writing Instructions

We are learning to write instructions this term. Before we could write instructions we looked closely at how instructions are written and what instructions need to include. We noticed that each step in instructions starts with a verb (doing word).

We followed instructions to make a pirate hat:

We loved it when we put our hats on our head and shouted "ARRRRRR!" in step 6