
Saturday 30 August 2014

Penny came to visit

Isabelle brought Penny the rabbit along to school this afternoon. We all took turns to pat Penny and Isabelle told us all about how she cares for Penny. The children asked some great questions about Penny. Thanks Kristin and Isabelle! 

Thursday 28 August 2014

Shooting Star Winners Again!

Congratulations to all who won awards this assembly! Here are our 3 award winners from Room 3 this week with the shooting star trophy for the third time in a row! Wow!

Great job guys!

Friday 22 August 2014

We are stags fans

We had a super special day on Thursday. First of all the children got an extra 20min of play time (and the teachers played too!) for working so hard and for excellence behaviour.  
As well as this special reward we had a visit from the Southland Stags. On of the players Morgan Mitchell was very special to Gore Main School as he is an ex pupil!! He talked to the children about following your dreams it was very inspirational! 
Hannah and Sam asked the Stags great questions - well done guys!
We are all stags fans!!!

Stags fans!!!!

Friday 15 August 2014

Come In & Check Out Our Space Adventure Art and Stories

Our Solar System Model

Shooting Star Trophy Winners AGAIN!

We won the Shooting Star Trophy last assembly and the assembly this week too! Can you believe it? 2 weeks in a row!!
Here are our award winners for the last 2 assemblies...