
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Our Class Pets

Miss McKenzie brought a swan plant to school today with 5 Monarch Caterpillars on it. After morning tea we noticed one of the caterpillars was shedding it's skin. They do this because they grow so fast that their skin becomes too small. After it's skin came off the caterpillar ate it. We used a magnifying glass to look even closer at the caterpillar. Just as we went out for lunch today we noticed another caterpillar also shedding it's skin. We had a class vote and have named our 5 caterpillars Stripes, Ninja, Molly, Rosie and Steve.

Written by the Room 3 children

P.S:  We will be watching our new class pets closely - keep an eye out for more caterpillar updates

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Photos
    It was so great Room 3 that you got to watch how Caterpillars turn into Butterflies


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