
Thursday, 6 March 2014

Caterpillar Update!

One of our classroom caterpillars (we believe it's Ninja) has decided it's time to form a chrysalis. He/she has hung upside down in a J during class today. When I left school tonight there was no change and he/she was still hanging in a J.
When we arrive back to school on Monday we will be able to check out the beautiful chrysalis!

UPDATE: Miss MacBeth visited Room 3 after school today and she noticed another caterpillar (perhaps Stripes?) has started to make a silk pad and preparing to hang upside in a J also and then make a chrysalis. When we return to school on Monday hopefully there will be two beautiful chrysalises for us to admire!

Can you see wee white dot? This is the silk!

Here is a video of Stripes making the silk pad to hang from


  1. Wow room 3, it must be so interesting and exciting watching the progress of the caterpillar's!! Kristin - Izzy's mum

  2. Love the Caterpillar's names


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