
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

No More Caterpillars!!

All 5 of our wonderful classroom caterpillars have now made their chrysalises. We have a long two week wait ahead of us as we wait for the transformation to be completed and our butterflies to emerge.
There are 5 chrysalises hanging from our swan plant in this photo...
Can you spot all 5?

On Monday we were lucky enough to actually see a caterpillar forming a chrysalis. Mrs Miller was in Room 3 that morning and we watched the caterpillar as it shed its skin revealing the green chrysalis underneath. The skin which is known as the exoskeleton dropped off. We thought this was a bit yucky! Then the caterpillar wriggled and twisted and turned as it made the chrysalis. We then looked at the amazing golden detail on the chrysalis it is very pretty!With Mrs Miller we learnt lots of new things about our caterpillars. 
Look at how much it wriggles as the chrysalis is forming

Here you can see three stages of the chrysalis making process:
1. In a J
2. The caterpillar with its skin already shed and half way through the process
3. A competed chrysalis

The exoskeleton on this chrysalis didn't fall off it is still attached at the top...pretty cool to see!

Look at that amazing golden detail. I wonder how they do that?!

A caterpillar half way through the chrysalis process.

It has been so much fun to watch these amazing creatures in our classroom.
Hopefully we will get some of the writing we did that morning with Mrs Miller posted on our blog later. 

P.S: Some families have had problems with trying to comment on this blog. I think I may have fixed it so please try again...if it's still not working please let me know by commenting in your child's homework book or reading diary. Cheers!


  1. How exciting Room 3! Looking forward to seeing the butterflies! :o) Mel Abernethy

  2. Very Exciting
    Awesome pictures and Great footage of Chrysalis :0)


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